Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Hi Everyone! Sorry I haven't been able to post for a few days.Just been busy,with homework and all. Anyway, Happy Valentine's Day!!!! I've always been a Valentine's Day kinda girl, so I'm excited. Caught up in the excitement of it all, I started to think about something,and that led me to today's post. See, Valentine's Day is all about love and being with the ones that you love. But no matter how much my mama loves me, or how much my nanny loves me, or how much everyone in my family(and I have a BIG family) put together loves me,God still loves me more. It's amazing how even if I make a bazillion mistakes in my life,He will always love me,no matter how often I forget to love Him. Try to remember to love Him this Valentine's Day. And it's not all that astonishing to see that everyone in my family loves me because,as my mama says to me a LOT,"What's not to love?" Happy Valentine's Day everybody!

1 comment:

  1. You are totally awesome--and totally right! no matter how much I love you
    (and trust me thats so, so, much!) God loves you more!!! and best of all God is with you all the time even when your family and friends can't be. You bring such joy to my life!!
